임원진 > 한국외식브랜드협회


초대회장  : 송   일   영

■ (주)지식산업경제공동체    회장 /대표이사 


■ 직업전문재능박사 

■ 경영학명예박사

■ 한국과학기술정보연구원 수도권지원위원

■ 송호대학교 산학협력단 운영위원장 
■ 캄보디아 프놈펜 국제기술대학 부총장
■ 대통령자문기구 민주평통자문회의 위원

■ (사)한국우량제품진흥협회 중국 절강성 산동성 지회장

Hosung Enterprise Co.,Ltd. INTRODUCTION

HOSUNG’s history starts from 1980 since Ustino started his career with BP Asia manager Now it has many reliable partners and business developers around the globes that include China, North America, and South America.

HOSUNG have a magnificent role to link the strength in each industry to make the synergy in timely manner to achieve the ultimate goal for reaching their vision as the company made the significant leadership in Energy Industry not only in Korea but also in Asia mainly thru China.

HOSUNG has flexible organization built up by the project by which the productivity is alway the focus to make the progress from the requirements modelling to commissioning even after Operation and maintenance.

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